After 5 years of doing live talk on a Nor Cal AM/FM station Lou Binninger is now using No Hostages Radio to give his take on the local, state, and national political and cultural scene.

Weekly radio episodes will appear here as well as articles written for the Territorial Dispatch.

Under New Management

America is now a socialist country under new ownership. Only the signage has yet to change. The National Anthem, Flag and Pledge of Allegiance are now in question. Our heritage is being removed hourly.

Students and instructors are ignorant of the meaning of basic holidays and significant dates heralding our quest for freedom and the establishment of the most unique governance in world history.

Under the Covid – 19 era people’s properties and right to earn a living have been removed without due process or compensation by the government. People have been remanded to their homes, told what to wear, to stay away from others, and where they could travel and visit. This is now a totalitarian government.

Have you noticed that the teachers’ union Covid-19 requirements to return to school sound socialist? That is because they are. “We won’t return to teach until police are defunded.”

Union Marxist objectives do not include a superior education or intellectually thriving students, but are intended to overthrow our government. Since the 1960’s, bosses have been bullying teachers to join and obey the union and in turn leaders made it nearly impossible for terrible schools to fire bad teachers. Even those unfit for the classroom are paid to sit in “rubber rooms” to put in their time until retirement. 

The educational curriculum has been gutted of the meaningful cultural, moral and political lessons our Founders believed essential to maintain our freedom, liberty, and form of government. This has been intentional according to experts and insiders.

American schools have been a collectivist union-run operation since the government took them over. Today, schools are a disaster even by the government’s analysis. The latest scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that nearly two-thirds of eighth graders are not proficient in any core subject. 

Now, in the Covid – era, the unions are demanding all kinds of political benchmarks like defund the police or they will not “risk returning to the classroom.” In the meantime they want guaranteed salaries for not working, not just salaries for poorly working.

How did the government insert itself into schools? The U.S. Constitution delegated no power over education to the federal government and since the 10th Amendment reserves all unspecified power to the states and the people this delayed a swift usurping of the citizens control over education.

However, the Communists have been devoted to their mission here. In 1932, Communist Part USA leader William Z. Foster outlined in his book “Toward Soviet America” the agenda for his comrades. The objective was a Department of Education that would replace patriotism and Christianity in schools with communism and globalism.

The American Soviet government was to group all schools, colleges and universities under the National Department of Education (President Carter created in 1979) and its state and local branches. “The studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic, and other features of the bourgeois ideology. The students will be taught on the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism, internationalism, and the general ethics of the new Socialist society.”

At this time, Foster’s Communist agenda has been successfully implemented throughout the nation. And, unless extracted quickly like a fast - spreading cancer the outcome will be fatal to our freedom.

In 1962-63, two Supreme Court rulings declared it a violation of the First Amendment to have prayer or Bible readings in public schools. These absurd opinions replaced the principles of Christianity foundational to our schools with the “religious humanism” of socialist John Dewey, shaper of today’s school system. 

The court rulings would have sounded so crazy to well-educated Americans twenty years earlier who knew that the First Amendment was written to prevent the mandate of a favored particular denomination, and was not intended to ban the teaching of moral principles upon which to live. Many states already had what amounted to a government denomination when the First Amendment was ratified to stop a national church like England’s.

Now, the feds are embedded in education with 100 subsidy programs amounting to more than $100 billion including discretionary and mandatory spending. Along with money follows dogma, dictates and domination.

Patriot whistleblower Charlotte Iserbyt wrote “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.” Her knowledge and facts are first-hand from her time working at the Department of Education. She witnessed the systematic communist takeover of our schools and then our lives.

There will be no change short of the closing of the federal Department of Education and the casting-off of teachers’ unions. Parents should immediately seek to educate their children outside of the public system. Their minds and our freedom depend upon it.

(Get Lou’s podcast at “No Hostages Radio” and his articles at


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