After 5 years of doing live talk on a Nor Cal AM/FM station Lou Binninger is now using No Hostages Radio to give his take on the local, state, and national political and cultural scene.

Weekly radio episodes will appear here as well as articles written for the Territorial Dispatch.

Owls, Smelt and Judges

Are you weary of the media praising and drooling over scientists that are dishonest? Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, Jeremy Farrar, Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric are still trying to bamboozle the public with wet markets and lab leaks for Covid origins.

These are present-day snake oil salesmen.

Has anyone located that research supporting mask-wearing, standing six-feet apart, closing small businesses to save lives, storing sick seniors in “care” homes, jabbing children, forbidding students to attend school, or permitting a clot shot that has killed millions, but didn’t stop illness?

The “follow the science” mantra is bad juju when it’s just a campaign slogan.

In 2007, Federal Judge Oliver Wanger “followed science” to say California citizens and farmers must live with much less water to save a 2-inch Delta smelt. This mindless agenda-hawking is causing needless suffering and financial loss for millions of people.

During the recent generous rains nearly 90% of run-off was directed to the Pacific Ocean past a handful of Smelt. California has an engineered drought, a governance crime against humanity.

After more than 20-years of political wrangling U.S. District Judge William Dwyer initially blocked 140 timber sales by the Forest Service in 1989 to save the Spotted Owl. Dwyer became  the Spotted Owl Judge that single-handedly destroyed the Northwest timber industry. Entire communities became ghost towns with 30,000 – 130,000 jobs lost depending on how you assess the ripple effect.

Pro-timber advocates opposing this maniacal move argued that the Barred Owl, cousin to the Spotted Owl was the real culprit devouring its weaker relative. Environmentalists said that was nonsense and that science was in their corner.

Well, it’s been 50-years since forcing humans from forests and encouraging fires to rage in unkept timber stands. The Spotted Owl numbers are still crashing. How can that be?

The scientists now want to shoot 450,000 Barred Owls over the next 30-years. Yes, these conservationists now want to eradicate owls. Why? They are killing their spotted cousins. This is the same species the timber industry said was troubling the revered Spotted Owl. Remember?

Heh! Don’t confuse us with the facts!

These environmental scientists are today’s Victor Frankensteins, species engineers, tweaking the creation. No apologies to the thousands of people that lost their living with the errant timber purge. People are expendable.

These lab crazies now advocate giving certain species a hair-cut. No timber thinning but thinning out a species, including humans.

You recall that the Chinese couldn’t feed their people so the remedy was to kill millions of them to match the food supply. Communism has always had a fit keeping food on the shelves. It couldn’t be a problem with government overreach, could it?

Now, after decades of engineered reproduction (one-child policy / forced abortion / sterilization), China’s Frankensteins can’t find enough females for their preferred males. So, they steal girls from adjacent nations. When humans play God chaos is close by.

Some skeptics may have a poor memory of past science scandals.

On April 16, 1970, the Boston Globe wrote of a coming ice age in the 21st Century. Air pollution will block-out the sun.

Science professor- crank Paul Erhlich (Population Bomb - 1968) said in 1970 that the “oceans will be as dead as Lake Erie in a decade. America will have rationing of water by 1974 and food by 1980.” On December 3, 1972, Brown University geologist George Kukla wrote to the President of the United States warning of an upcoming cataclysmic climate collapse – an ice age “very soon.”

Throughout the 1970s, a 30-year cooling trend was often predicted. Then in 1980 we were to be afflicted with acid rain. The government paid $537 million for a decade of acid rain research. The conclusion? No environmental crisis was expected.

In 1989, a senior United Nations official said rising seas could “obliterate nations by 2000…entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth.”

On December 14, 2008, Al Gore said the North Pole Ice Cap would be completely ice free in 5-years.

Sadly, this newspaper could be filled with examples of silly false predictions extracting trillions of dollars from taxpayers to make politicians and “scientists” rich and famous.

(Lou Binninger can be heard on No Hostages Radio podcast, live on KMYC 1410AM 10-1 Saturdays, read at Live with Lou on Facebook and at


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