After 5 years of doing live talk on a Nor Cal AM/FM station Lou Binninger is now using No Hostages Radio to give his take on the local, state, and national political and cultural scene.

Weekly radio episodes will appear here as well as articles written for the Territorial Dispatch.

Eyes and Ears Blind and Deaf

The Covid Solution was imagined, devised and executed by the same archetypal enemies of humanity as those devoted to the purification of the “races” during the Holocaust. The German Nazis did not act alone but received their killing strategies and resources (Zyklon B gas) from American industrialists (Rockefeller / Ford). 

The “viral disease” that infected Nazi Germany was Eugenics.  Eugenics is the elitist ideology at the root of all genocides. Today, the Covid injection destroying the human immune system (ala AIDS) is the Perfect Solution to thin the unwanted population (“useless eaters”) and achieve “one world government” control. Fewer people are easier to manage.

The objective of the Nazi Final Solution was to annihilate Europe’s 11 million Jewish people as quickly and efficiently as possible. The Nazis passed discriminatory laws; used modern technology; low-cost industrial methods; an efficient transportation system; and a highly-trained bureaucracy that coordinated the industrial killing process. The objective was high speed, maximum efficiency at the lowest cost.

In 1933, the ultimate targets were Jews; today, after achieving general population reduction the hunted are people who refuse to be injected with experimental, toxic shots. Then and now, government dictates were crafted to isolate and eliminate segments of society.

In 2020, the government forbade hospitals from treating the elderly from nursing homes. The result was mass murder by the tens of thousands. Government decrees intimidated doctors from prescribing life-saving medicines; government protocols (ventilators / Remdesivir) continue to kill at hospitals. For their compliance, hospitals are richly rewarded.

The media is complicit and well-compensated – as it was in Europe. Strict censorship silences contrary views. In Nazi Germany few individuals objected. Those who did were added to concentration camps.

Today, doctors and scientists who challenge the approved narrative are maligned, their reputations smeared, careers ruined. They risk losing their license to practice and even being arrested.

The Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Treblinka.
It was preceded by 9-years of increasing restrictions to personal freedom, and the suspension of people’s rights. Like today, the strategy was introduced with fear and hate-mongering propaganda.

A series of humiliating discriminatory government edicts demonized Jews as “spreaders of disease.” They were compared to lice and rats. The noncompliant resisters in 2019-21 were similarly labeled and mocked by anointed “Karens,”government bureaucrats and the media.  

Since the Nazi era, the study of history and most of the humanities - philosophy, religion, and ethics — have been minimized with an emphasis on utilitarian science and technology. American education has been dumbed-down. As a result, few people recognize the foreboding similarities between current policies and those under the Nazis.

By declaring a state of emergency—in 1933 and in 2020, constitutionally protected personal freedom and rights were denied. Repressive, discriminatory decrees followed. Americans have been arrested at work and at church, fined, and businesses shuttered. Education ended. Millions were labeled as “nonessential” and restricted to home.

Eugenics is always disguised as pseudo - science. It was embraced by the academic and medical establishment as well as the judiciary both in Germany and the United States. In America the mantra “follow the science” meant there was no science.

Eugenics proponents legitimize discrimination, apartheid, sterilization, euthanasia, and genocide. The Nazis called it “ethnic cleansing” — for the preservation of the gene pool. Medicine was perverted from its healing mission and weaponized for its dirty deeds.

First, it was to control reproduction through forced sterilization; then it was to eliminate those considered “sub-human” —Untermenschen. The first victims of medical murder were 1,000 German disabled infants and toddlers. This exploit conducted by nurses was expanded to an estimated 10,000 children up to age 17.

The next victims were the mentally ill, followed by the elderly in nursing homes. These humans were considered “worthless eaters.” Under Operation T-4, designated hospitals became killing centers where various extermination methods were tested – including Zyclon B — the gas for the death camps.

Today, forced injections in order to work, attend school and participate in society have created an authoritarian state and are killing millions of Americans. Injecting children immune from Covid is the latest diabolical strategy to thin the herd.

The Covid Solution is criminal and those responsible must be held accountable.

(Lou Binninger can be heard on No Hostages Radio podcast, live on KMYC 1410AM 10-1 Saturdays, read at Live with Lou on Facebook and at


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